In today's world it seems every time there is some problem, some concern, something different that people don't like some lawmaker somewhere comes up with a new law to address it. We are a country of millions of laws... literally. Nobody knows them all and I'd imagine we all be surprised at how few are enforced.
With all these laws in place and all the law makers trying to keep us all "legal", it seems to me nearly all of these could be fixed with one single law...
"Don't be stupid"
That seems to sum up all that is needed to function as a society. Think about how that can be applied across the board.
Don't be stupid and kill people.
Don't be stupid and steal stuff.
Don't be stupid and cheat.
Don't be stupid and hurt anyone.
Don't be stupid.
Just Don't be stupid- fixes a lot of the worlds problems.
Not like that's going to happen but seems to be a solution.
336: Engaging
2 weeks ago